Atilla, a reclusive young man of Turkish origin adopted at a young age by Michael and Julie, a Quebec couple reconciles with his origins and his past...
There Where Atilla Passes
A couple's relationship is tested when uninvited guests arrive at their home, disrupting their tranquil existence.
A 20 year old man takes a bus full of young children hostage in exchange for money to help his sick mother. Meanwhile a detective must over come...
Amber Alert
The life of a security guard in a retirement home spirals out of control when he catches his wife with a lover, pushing him to the brink of insanity.
Early Winter
After the bombing of his father's chocolate factory, a young Syrian refugee struggles to settle into his new Canadian small-town life, caught between...
Peace by Chocolate
After mankind drove itself to the brink of extinction, a zealous lone survivor hunts his way across remote Canadian landscapes in search of knowledge...
Take Me to a Nice Place