When a motley group of college freshmen choose bizarre Tyler Rooney as the new target for their juvenile pranks, Tyler calls upon hoodoo-cursed...
Mister White
After his release from a wrongful incarceration, Adam Wurlitz, secures a job as a live-in groundskeeper for abusive father and angry entrepreneur,...
Rag Doll
When Lauren Reynolds, a beautiful girl with a painful home life, breaks it off with her drug-addict ex, Matt, she is ready to give up on dating all...
A respected doctor leads a clinical trial for a new tissue regeneration drug and soon his patients are confronted with terrifying side effects.
Black Pills
A new Defense Protocol, involving an advanced AI and three highly skilled agents, is used to stop a cyber pirate/terrorist in this vivid...
Rookie police officer Jessica Loren has been assigned the last shift at a closing police station and must wait for a hazmat crew to collect...
Last Shift