Six youngsters aged between 20 and 30 years old, stranded within the restricted values of a provincial city, constrained to live in an emotional...
Set in 1970s Rome, the fiction tracks the plight of a nuclear family, consisting of an unhappy married couple: Clara (a deeply dissatisfied...
Exit is a 1985 Italian short film directed by Pino Quartullo and Stefano Reali. It is set in the future where, on 12 July 3503, a research team...
The last days of humanity by Karl Kraus, a mammoth drama - almost 800 pages in the Adelphi edition - staged by Luca Ronconi in the Lingotto in Turin,...
The Last Days of Humanity
The story of a young mother with a failed marriage behind her, who fights daily for her dream to open a hair salon, challenging her fate in an effort...
Based on the true-life story of American necrophile Karen Greenlee. In the film, Karen (Angela del Regno) relives the most important moments of her...
Confessions of a Necrophile Girl