What Kind of Soul Will You Deliver To God Bitch? is a Greek black comedy mini-series created by Alexandros Rigas and Dimitris Apostolou which aired...
What Kind of Soul Will You Deliver To God Bitch?
The title of the film recalls the well known story of the three blind men, who try in vain to recognize and define, by touch, an unknown object - in...
Love Is an Elephant
The extramarital adventures of a female volleyball team coach, a best friend and a buddy who fall in love at the same woman a hopelessly mismatched...
Amore Mio
A satire of life in modern Greece, presented through a series of different stories about sex. There are several couples and their relation with sex...
Safe Sex
A young woman's struggle to overcome life's economic restrictions in order to meet her true will. She is twenty-three and lives with her mother, a...