A combination of action, romance and comedy, Baby Bath Massacre tells the story of a girl and boy who take on a challenge. We see their journey as...
Baby Bath Massacre
In a Sydney suburb, two nurses, Maria and Flora, a housekeeper, Lotte, and a solicitor, Arnold, attend to Elizabeth Hunter as her expatriate son Sir...
The Eye of the Storm
An infant girl named Hannah is abducted by her grandmother Barbara Thomas. Hannah's father David Overton, convinced that Barbara is the head of a...
Witch Hunt
A woman struggles with her son's illness and her husband's infidelity, but, after a chance encounter with an Irish sailor and his son, her life is...
Matching Jack
Jack Irish has no shortage of friends, but family members are few and far between. His wife was murdered by an ex-client and his father is a fading...
Jack Irish: Black Tide
The true story of a part Aboriginal man who finds the pressure of adapting to white culture intolerable, and as a result snaps in a violent and...
The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith