An aspiring documentarian and two conservationists who venture into the Outback to record the animals displaced by bushfires where they discover a...
Still overwhelmed with guilt years after his high school sweetheart's death, "Max" returns home seeking closure. Instead, he re-experiences the...
Shooting in Vain
Cash is trying to live a quiet, honest life in a small Appalachian town. When a vicious crime boss forces him back into her services, he soon learns...
Red Right Hand
Two sisters are trapped under the fiberglass cover of an Olympic sized public pool and must brave the cold and each other to survive the harrowing...
12 Feet Deep
19-year-old Ben Burns unexpectedly returns home to his family's suburban home on Christmas Eve morning. Ben's mother, Holly, is relieved and...
Ben Is Back
In a world where the real archers are too cool for targets, Arc is what happens when Cupid's arrows are lured way off track.