Once-menacing, anger fueled, trained martial arts fighters Robert, Dony and Xavier settle down to peaceful lives, after a significant event prompts...
RDX: Robert Dony Xavier
Sibi and his father Pushpakandam "Baby" live a simple life, taking care of their family friend Johnson’s cardamom estate and his family’s...
Little Hearts
Jacob, a successful businessman, is settled in Dubai with his family. He is forced to flee to another country when he ends up with a huge debt as his...
Jacob's Kingdom of Heaven
Panchayat Secretary Ullahanan leads a monotonous life till a college reunion rekindles excitement in his 20-year-old marital life and infuses in him...
Munthirivallikal Thalirkkumbol
Dennis Paul (Maqbool Salman) is a business consultant working in Malaysia. During a journey to Hyderabad as part of his profession, he acquaints Riti...
The shenanigans of a good-hearted goon and his chums as they try to earn some quick money in the world of local crime in Kerala.