An autobiographical film for that is set in an isolated park, where a young man has a silent yet intense encounter with another man, which results in...
Run Rabbit
Five university friends gather at a house party to ring in the New Year. Unbeknownst to them, an epidemic has erupted outside, causing outbreaks...
Twenty-three years after her hooker mother tried to kill her in the womb Helen remains damaged psychological goods. A mindset that gets worse when...
Let Her Out
William has a simple job: he makes dead bodies disappear. His daughter Gloria has become used to rough-looking men dropping off corpses, and is even...
I'll Take Your Dead
A doctor hires an escort to seduce her husband, whom she suspects of cheating, though unforeseen events put the family in danger.
When Alice sets out to post one synonym for love every week for a year, she inadvertently sends a gentle ripple through her social network and...
52 Words for Love