ACADEMY OF DOOM is set on the campus of the famous Mil Mascaras Wrestling Women's Academy. The Academy finds itself the focus of seemingly disparate...
Academy of Doom
A short horror film.
Now That You're Dead
Frat boy Luke finds himself tied to a chair, face to face with three college girls that are less than happy about losing their virginity to him. Hell...
Hell Week
A horror film that combines classic monster movie elements set within the backdrop of unpredictable Kansas weather. Start with a mother and her three...
A man is terrorized by Girl Scouts selling 'delicious' cookies.
Get Off My Porch
A pulse-pounding horror anthology that showcases the terrifying visions of up-and-coming talented writers and directors. Prepare for a relentless...
A spine-chilling horror anthology that brings together a cadre of up-and-coming talented writers and directors to deliver a rollercoaster of terror.
Screams of the Dead
A husband and wife, whose marriage is built on shifting sand, find themselves imprisoned by a sadistic killer - forced to make choices that will...
Last Breath