Over the course of a single day in four vignettes, a group of interconnected artists, novelists, and filmmakers have a series of interactions, some...
Long Day
Three years after the expiration of the ten year statute of limitations, police detective Ryoo Yi-jae meets the man who killed his son in a hit and...
The Glorious My Revenge
Divorced mother Yoo Rim (Yoo Seon) lives with her teenage daughter Eun Ah (Nam Bo-Ra), who is having a tough time at her new school. She has a crush...
Don't Cry, Mommy
A teenager is abducted and forced to tell the scariest tales she knows, leading to this anthology of four stories: a brother and sister are under...
Horror Stories
Kyung-chul is a dangerous psychopath who kills for pleasure. Soo-hyeon, a top-secret agent, decides to track down the murderer himself. He promises...
I Saw the Devil
Seven girls become good friends in high school, then events pull them apart for 25 years. When one of the friends lies dying in a hospital, she...
A class of students stays at school for a camp in an elite study group to finesse theirs and the school's grades. Upon the first night, the swimming...
Death Bell 2
A unemployed father, due to his laziness, is supported by his wife. Their daughter decides to put their lazy dad up for rent on a secondhand site.
Dad for Rent
Betrayed and on the run, a former North Korean agent tries to seek revenge on the man who killed his wife, find his missing daughter, and uncover the...
The Suspect
Mute Moon-young records people's faces with her small camcorder on the subway. One day, she avoids her drunk father at home and films Hee-soo who is...
A man with criminal past makes a promise to his mother to turn his life around after he realizes how miserable he has made her.
A Diamond in the Rough
A beat cop and his rookie partner investigate a series of killings that seem to be carried out by a mysterious wolfdog.
Bok-Nam (Park Yoo-Sun) is an elementary school student who feels like she just doesn't fit in. She lives with her family that consists of her...
Last Flashman
Four different couples have a romantic week over New Year's Eve. Both coming out of failed marriages, Ji-ho and Hyo-young are not open to the...
New Year Blues
Young-Jae (Ryu Soo-Young) was involved in a car accident two years ago. He lost his memory from the accident. Now, Young-Hae runs a used bookstore...
A Faded Memory
Trained in the skills of sea power, Pi the fish can fight a shark, sink a squid or batter any random predator that ever threatens his friends and...
The Reef 2: High Tide