High school student Yuki suffers from a chronic disease and has lost hope for living. One day she has a life-changing encounter with Aki, her...
The World of You
Junior high schoolers Sudo Ai and Sosuke Ito live together as a patchwork family in a small town in Hokkaido, all thanks to Ai’s mother, Yumi,...
Where Love Goes
Yukio Kunikida and Yuma Yamagishi are high school students and they are dating with each other. On an ordinary day, Yuma tells Yukio that "I'm going...
2 days until the “Last Graduation Ceremony” of high school, the building was to be demolished. Each student accepted their...
Sayonara, Girls.
Utopia was a tower of hope, but it was a tower of despair created by human desires. In Utopia, they were researching the only way to save this world:...
Love You as the World Ends: The Movie
When they were middle school students, Eiji Aihara and Naohiko Bessho attended the same school and they were best friends. One day, Eiji's childhood...
We Who Know Nothing of Love
Shoji Segawa was a quiet and inconspicuous boy, but, for the first time, he is recognized by people after winning the National Middle School Shogi...
The Miracle of Crybaby Shottan
Under the Big Onion
This is the first film adaptation of a completely original story released by SUPER SAPIENS, a project by directors who led the Japanese film industry...
The Killer Goldfish