Eight ominous horror films that depict a series of terrifying spiritual phenomena that attacks our protagonist in enclosed spaces such as phone...
Yugami: Norowareta Heisa Kukan
An experimental horror experience where the viewer is the protagonist. Directed by Kôji Shiraishi through POV, which makes the viewer feel as...
Zetsuosore Taikan Kimodameshi
One night at a strange cram school, a class and a small film crew shooting a commercial are attacked by two teenage girls.
Ada: Senritsu-hen
Follows the events from "Ada: Senritsu-hen" but from the antagonist's point of view.
Ada 2: Zetsubô hen
As a young child, Hana loses her family to a devastating tsunami that wipes out her town. At a shelter, distant relative Jungo sees her wandering and...
My Man
Keisuke Kinoshita sits easily alongside Ozu, Kurosawa and Naruse as one of Japan’s most respected legends of cinema. Made to commemorate the...
Dawn of a Filmmaker: The Keisuke Kinoshita Story
Toji Seryo is a popular first year high school student. It's well known that Toji Seryo will date anyone that confesses their affection for him on a...
Seven Days: Monday - Thursday
Seven Days: Friday - Sunday
Shima (Mirei Kiritani) is a second year high school student. She has already become the youngest ever winner of a "new writer award" for poetry. Yet,...
Scattered Reflection
One day, it's decided that all people with blood type B have to be killed. There are people in black costumes who chase after and kill everyone with...
The Chasing World 4
When good-for-nothing employee Daichi is attending to a backlog of work, a frightening game of tag targeting people with blood type B begins.
The Chasing World 5
A young couple is devastated when their son is killed by a falling tree during a windstorm. As the distraught father begins to look for answers into...
When a Tree Falls
In observing a solitary classmate, a student begins to suspect that the loner has the ability to write words that will kill those who read them.
Ring of Curse
Midori Mantani and Masao Minamisawa are both 28-years-old. They have dated for 4 years, but their relationship seems to be just going through the...
Good Stripes