Aki is an unsuccessful 29-year-old actress who eventually became a magician's assistant. While pretending to be hypnotised on the stage, Aki finds...
The Limit of Sleeping Beauty
A troop of children from eight to thirteen, abandoned on an island, struggling for life in the midst of passion fueled by the differences of...
Fifteen Boys Adrift
Hayato comes back to his home village after father breaks his legs and cannot walk anymore. He brings his wife Ami along with him, who had a...
Spread over three time periods (Summer 10 Years Ago/Summer 5 Years Ago/This Summer), Lost Virgin tells the tale of good-time girl Chisato (Sasaki),...
The Lost Virgin
Naoya and Katsuhiro are boyfriends, new in their relationship. Things are uneven at first—Naoya is open and free while Katsuhiro is cautious...
Confident that he’s the next great Japanese thespian, Matsumoto Fighter and his manager roam the streets of Shibuya to promote him. When he...
Japanese horror film with four segments.
School Ghost Story: Curse Special
An unknown calamity is killing off ninety-percent of mankind. There is no cure, no hope and no future. A man and woman, who are laden with suffering...
Two Rabbits in Osaka