The third installment in the "Landscape of lovers who are not anyone" series directed by Michio Koshikawa, which depicts men and women passing each...
Haji is an actor on the cusp of turning 40, who has gotten stuck in life. At the invitation of an old friend, he visits his hometown for the first...
An experimental horror experience where the viewer is the protagonist. Directed by Kôji Shiraishi through POV, which makes the viewer feel as...
Zetsuosore Taikan Kimodameshi
"Tsubaki Sanjuro" is a remake of Sanjuro (1962) by Akira Kurosawa. Sanjuro returns with sharper, faster, subtler sword, talking and perception. He...
Tsubaki Sanjuro
Mitsuki and Yuya become stepsister and stepbrother because of their parents' marriage. Mitsuki can't get along with her new family and Yuya doesn't...
Recently, My Sister is Unusual
Hikari's boyfriend is one of those killed in the Akihabara massacre incident. Suffering from the shock of her loss and unable to accept this reality,...
Kazu attacks a bar in Kabukicho, a Tokyo red-light district, and flees to his hometown with abducts Machiko, a pole dancer he's been stuck on. They...
The Egoists
Saki and Toshi were born and raised at the shabby "Drive in Gamo," located on the side of a road. Their father was a yakuza but he was kicked out of...
Drive-In Gamo
During the invasion of Normandy the photograph of a slim Korean man in German uniform was found. It transpired that the man had served as a soldier...
My Way
Teru (Yuya Endo) has been brought up in a hill town and spent his childhood conquering the slopes on his bicycle. Being a cycling fanatic, who...
The Cycling Genius Is Coming!
Mari is exhausted by life in the city and opens up a shop selling snow cones in the small town of Nishiizu where she grew up. The simple flavors of...
There Is No Lid on the Sea
Sachiko Suzuki is a female high school student. She claims that she is an alien and her mission on Earth is to conceive a child with a human man....
A Woman's Hole
Kazuya Naruse, an obedient programer falls for a girl "Rumi", whom he gets to know through chat rooms. Naruse lost himself in this love, as if he...
Blue Labyrinth
A fantasy inspired by the legend of Urashima Taro, who is said to have spent decades living in an undersea realm. Set on the Shonai Peninsula in...
The Palace of Ryugu, When Day Breaks