Japan, 1943, during World War II. Young Suzu leaves her village near Hiroshima to marry and live with her in-laws in Kure, a military harbor. Her...
In This Corner of the World
Yukami Makoto is a high school boy whose hobby is visiting hot springs. His 100th hot spring visit is at Miyama-kan, an inn run by four poster girls:...
Two fates that never should have crossed paths... Asemu Asuno, son of the Earth Federation Forces commander Flit Asuno. Zeheart Galette, a warrior...
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden
A high school senior named Youtarou thought he was an only child — until he met his real mother and discovered that she has 19 daughters, from...
Baby Princess 3D Paradise Love
The devil king Lucifero suddenly declares he's going to retire, and must choose a successor. The Devil King Cadets gather one after another, and go...
Destiny Child
Kobayashi Manabu's new life as a freshman at the prestigious Kirameki High School begins. As he explores the new school with a video camera,...
Tokimeki Memorial: The First Finder
Sakurai Tomoki goes on a trip to a hot spring, and is soon up to his usual perverted antics. In addition, he's about to receive his first love...
Heaven's Lost Property the Movie: The Angeloid of Clockwork
Ikaros is an Angeloid and falls out of the sky. Tomoki Sakurai is a boy who believes the most important thing is to live a peaceful life. The two...
Heaven's Lost Property Final – The Movie: Eternally My Master