Four girls, Aoi, Sumire, Kaede, and Tsukushi arrive in Asuka, Nara prefecture with the purpose of unraveling the mystery of an ancient mirror. As...
Pretty Girls Detective Team: Wind from Asuka
How hard is it to kill an idiot? Just ask Kudo Kankuro! The acclaimed screenwriter brings his 2004 Kunio Kishida-winning stage play Donju (a.k.a....
After the events of the TV series, the 18 year old Yoko Godai has abandoned her special agent Saki Asamiya name to return to her normal life, and is...
Sukeban Deka: The Movie
Set two years after the drama series "Nemesis," Naoki Kazama works for Nemesis Detective Agency and is regarded as a brilliant detective. He is able...
Nemesis the Movie: Mystery of Golden Spiral
A vicious plot that would change the course of Japanese history is set in motion when assassins conspire to kill Iemitsu, the third shogun of the...
Assassin's Target: Iemitsu
Yoko Sakaki: 24 years old. Occupation: Ghost Negotiator. With her tomboyish attitude and severely bad mouth, she helps ghosts leave this world by...
Ghost Shout
Kaoru is a former racing driver who retired two years ago. She is invited by her brother Saburo to return to Team Alesis, which he owns, as a B...
Driving High!
Shinku is a compelling drama that focuses on the strange relationship that develops between two people who find their lives irrevocably changed as a...
The Deep Red
Takashi and his wife Misako, who lost their beloved son in a trapeze accident, have never recovered from the shock, and have kept the urn in their...
Damned Files 0
A man must overcome many obstacles as he works his way through the dangerous crime world to the level of yakuza.
The Anthropology of a Fight Scene
The second TV movie Obayashi Nobuhiko directed based on Akagawa Jiro's Mikeneko Holmes series.
Tom Cat Holmes and the Twilight Hotel
Ace, Houtaro, and their allies participate in a new edition of the Desire Grand Prix kickstarted by the rogue Chemy X Wizard, who has involved the...
Kamen Rider THE WINTER MOVIE: Gotchard & Geats Strongest Chemy★Great Gotcha Operation
At the end of the Heian period, Musashibo Benkei, a warrior monk who hated the Heike clan, was humiliated by his fellow monks and left the mountain...
A modern Japanese family loses their youngest son in a tragedy. The mother, Misako, plunges into depression and the oldest son Akira starts blaming...
The Tunnel
Various individuals named Ichiro undergo life-changing events while being inspired by the baseball player Ichiro. A heartwarming movie about the...
Run Ichiro Run
The life story of Japan’s greatest leader, Tokugawa Ieyasu, whose shogunate ruled the nation for almost 300 years has never been told like this...
Tokugawa Ieyasu: The Conqueror of Japan
Follows the final days of the shogunate and Shinsengumi's Vice-Comander Hijikata Toshizo along with his fellow anti-imperialist group.
新選組!! 土方歳三 最期の一日
Yasuo Furuhata directs this romantic yakuza flick based on a book by popular romance novelist Tomiko Miyao. Set in 1932, the film centers on Peony...
Midwinter Camellia
A ronin named Azami Onijuro travels the Nikko Highway, he is being followed by the bounty hunter Daihachi and Yukata Danzen. He is pursued by his...
The Unruly Ronin's Journey
The Pale Hand
The story opens with Yukiko and her business partner in Moscow searching for Russian items for their store in Tokyo. There they meet a Russian...
A Single Drop of Water in a Mighty River
An illustration of the tragic lives of geishas at a popular geisha house, Shinonomero. Shortly after being sold to a geisha house at age 5, Shizu is...
In Blazing Love
Benio, a peppy tomboy, is surprised to learn that she has been secretly betrothed by her grandfather to a young officer named Shinobu Ijuin. Because...
There Goes Benio, the Smart Girl
It is 1965. High-school student Takeyoshi Fujiwara hears "Pipeline" by the Ventures, and is mesmerized by their unique sound. With three friends, he...
The Rocking Horsemen
At that time, Gozo Sone, the leader of the Kanto Sone family, was secretly planning to expand into Shinjuku. Sone sent Kuroda, a member of the Kansai...
The Face of 'Juku: Part 2
Keiko’s life is turned upside down when she discovers that she has been infected with HIV. As she struggles to cope with the situation and...
Hold Me and Kiss Me
The Director's Cut version of Kamen Rider Gotchard's final episode, "This is My and Your CHEMY×STORY". It will features new scenes not seen in...
Kamen Rider Gotchard Final Episode: You and Me, We've Got CHEMY×STORY - Director's Cut Version
In the continuing adventures of Nemuri Kyoshiro, noted film actor Tamura Masakazu stars again as the red-haired ronin with foreign blood in his...
Nemuri Kyōshirō 3: The Man with No Tomorrow
A young woman, Asami, searches for the man who helps her quest to enter medical school.
Der Lindenbaum
A former assassin is drawn into a conspiracy which leads him to return to his old ways, endangering his brother who suspects that something is...
Hissatsu shimatsunin
Biopic of yakuza Noboru Ando, based on his autobiography.
Shibuya Story
Based on the comic by Hiroshi Motomiya
Ooinaru kan bonno
The body of Kazuyoshi Kawagishi, a construction company worker, is discovered stabbed to death in Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo. Detective Masanao...
Detective Ushio vs. Case Writer Saeko: Survivors
Kunio Shibano was bankrupted. He visits a snowland spa area to commit suicide. But he meets Geisha Moeko, and she gives him power to face life one...
Snowland Revisited
Mitabi no kaikyô
Fukuzawa Yukichi opens a school for samurai, who aim to learn Dutch language, most common for overseas trading. But when he was in Yokohama he...
Fukuzawa Yukichi
Film director Mario Baba meets a mysterious gentleman, and realizes he is a important man from his boyhood. The two chase each other around, causing...
The Stupid Teacher
Kume tries to protect her husband Tokugawa Yoshimune and their three children from the schemes of the inner palace of Edo Castle.
Ooku Saishusho
Tales of the Bizarre: Vol. 3
High school student Saya Toma lost her parents and younger brother in an airplane accident. Detective Akio Kondo came and told her "your family has...
SPEC: Zero
Sawako worked as an emergency physician at a university hospital. Due to to a situation, she returns to her father Tatsuro's home in Ishikawa...
A Morning of Farewell